Were you aware at all that the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, has the full authority to levy or seize your assets, ranging from your home to all of your possessions, from third parties, from banks, from brokerage houses, and from other places where your money and your assets are kept? It is well within the agency’s rights to do so, though it does have necessary steps it must take in notifying you of this. Levies have existed on a government scale in some form or another since 1791, according to U.S. Supreme Court estimates, when the U.S. government adopted the Constitution in 1787 and authorized federal agencies to collect taxes from Americans, though sometimes requiring that some forms of tax revenues be distributed to states based on their respective population numbers, and they have wreaked havoc on unassuming taxpayers and avoiders alike.
Wage garnishment is another area over which the IRS has full authority. To stop wage garnishment, various professionals usually are brought in who have experience understanding the laws and who knew specifically how to stop IRS wage garnishment. Garnishment of wages occurs when the IRS or another agency makes employers take portions of employees’ wages out of their earnings to pay for the taxes that they owe. However, it is not that cut and dried, and a lot of times employers try firing these employees rather than dealing with the issue head on. But it is important to note that employers who do this can be fined as much as one thousand dollars and can be imprisoned for as long as a year when this happens.
To stop wage garnishment, these tax professionals usually use the tricks they are accustomed to using to stop irs wage garnishment in its tracks. When they stop IRS garnishment of wages, these tax professionals generally first speak with their clients and gather all of the information they can on the issues that have been plaguing them. Then, once these discussions have ended, the tax professionals will get to work to stop wage garnishment before things get out of hand.
So if you or anyone else you know is wondering, how can I stop wage garnishment, know that is entirely possible. With 43 states and various U.S. localities imposing taxes on people, some simply cannot afford to pay. Before things get too bad, tax professionals can assess the damage and right the wrong by knowing how to effectively stop wage garnishment.
Find out more here: howtostopwagegarnishment.net
6 responses to “Why Professional Assistance Is Necessary To Stop Wage Garnishment”
I am struggling big time with this. My employer is being required to garnish my wages, and I am freaking out about it. I guess I need to call on an expert now.
Experts are definitely the way to go here. This had happened to me a while back, and now I advocate for it through a nonprofit. It is better to be safe than sorry, that’s for sure!
Experts are definitely the way to go here. This had happened to me a while back, and now I advocate for it through a nonprofit. It is better to be safe than sorry, that’s for sure!
Experts are definitely the way to go here. This had happened to me a while back, and now I advocate for it through a nonprofit. It is better to be safe than sorry, that’s for sure!
Experts are definitely the way to go here. This had happened to me a while back, and now I advocate for it through a nonprofit. It is better to be safe than sorry, that’s for sure!
Experts are definitely the way to go here. This had happened to me a while back, and now I advocate for it through a nonprofit. It is better to be safe than sorry, that’s for sure!