It used to be that local small businesses would put their tiny ads in the paper and give out coupons whenever they could. Shop owners would nail flyers to telephone poles and stand on the street corners passing out vouchers. Now, because of the Internet, you do not have have to do any of these little tasks anymore, though you can if you want to. And really, you probably should, especially while dressed as the Statue of Liberty. Everybody loves a good gimmick.
The Internet is now the main source of customer engagement for all businesses, but especially local shops like yours. Rochester coupons for small businesses can still be found in the daily paper, and they should be. But on top of all that paper advertising, you have to embrace your technological roots. One of the top ways small businesses are doing this is through partnering with deal of the day websites in order to get their Rochester coupons out to more potential customers.
A deal of the day site offers a coupon for a limited amount of time, usually about 24 to 36 hours, heightening the demand for it by presenting it a kind of “limited time offer.” Studies have shown that these types of promotions are becoming killer tools for small businesses to utilize. In fact, about 17.7 percent of the total business online for small companies in the next year will be generated from deal of the day-type promotions.
The reason for this is because people like what is familiar to them. They tend to opt for a service if it is recommended by family or friends. In fact, data reports that half of customers do this, and not just with Rochester coupons, either. But they want the best Rochester deals, and one of the best ways to find them is to ask around.
Similarly, 43 percent of consumers are likely to buy a deal from a business they already know and have visited before. When it comes to finding the deals, people want to know they are making a good and worthwhile investment. That is why folks who search for Rochester coupons on Rochester coupon websites are more inclined to choose the ones they have memories of satisfaction from.
This all leads to the most important point. A satisfied customer is your best marketing tool because of how he or she will become a great spokesperson for your business. Indeed, 54 percent of deal grabbers are likely to share the deal even if they are not regular customers as long as they are satisfied. This not only ups your current Rochester coupons users but essentially guarantees they will bring in more business for you.
So when you want to increase your business, you can absolutely stand on the corner in a full Big Bird suit and pass out colorful coupons, if it makes you happy. Or, you can get your Rochester coupons shared on deal of the day websites and see a huge return on investment. The choices are yours!