Local phone service, premium television, web access and other amenities are all standard fare for residents in furnished corporate housing properties. The quality of furniture, linens and other home furnishings is also typically high in premier corporate housing. Corporate housing apartments grow in popularity every year, since more organizations have figured out that corporate housing providers offer a simple solution to housing for executives, potential new hires and more. Relying on corporate housing rentals offers businesses the opportunity to impress potential new hires by allowing them to stay in the rental for a few days if they are only in town for interviews or for a short visit to the facilities housing your business.
This is especially important for plans and other manufacturing facilities. The vast majority of these properties are in heavily industrial areas with very limited lodging options. Most hotels in the area are meant for economic lodging only, not for executives that plan to spend most of their time at an office, rather than at the plant or other manufacturing facility. If you have premier corporate housing, you can allow executives to stay at that premier corporate housing during the few days they are in town. This is a much better alternative than asking an executive to stay in a run down hotel near an industrial part of town.
Luxury corporate housing is also beneficial to executives that stay in town for small periods of time. Many executives for companies that have locations in several states will only be at the head office for a few days at a time. The premier corporate housing options you have will allow them to enjoy having a home away from home. They can stay at a premier corporate housing property while working from the head office, then plan on hotel visits or other temporary lodging while traveling.
Learn more about premier corporate housing by researching online. The average day during the year 2012 was 88 nights, and most facilities allow pets. They are larger than hotel rooms and more luxurious. Some of these facilities also include board rooms, meeting halls and other areas where you can conduct business. Speak with any executive that has ever had the opportunity to enjoy corporate housing, and they will probably tell you that it is a much better alternative to leasing an apartment on a monthly basis or else staying in hotels for weeks at a time.
Find more on this topic here. More research here.
6 responses to “Check Out Premier Corporate Housing”
I usually travel about three weeks out of every month, spending most of my time in hotels in other states from my home. That said, I own my home and I like it that way.
I understand that it is nice to have your own home, but if you are only going to be working in a particular city for a few months or a year at most, a furnished corporate apartment is a great idea.
I understand that it is nice to have your own home, but if you are only going to be working in a particular city for a few months or a year at most, a furnished corporate apartment is a great idea.
I understand that it is nice to have your own home, but if you are only going to be working in a particular city for a few months or a year at most, a furnished corporate apartment is a great idea.
I understand that it is nice to have your own home, but if you are only going to be working in a particular city for a few months or a year at most, a furnished corporate apartment is a great idea.
I understand that it is nice to have your own home, but if you are only going to be working in a particular city for a few months or a year at most, a furnished corporate apartment is a great idea.