Dental implants, normally made from titanium, are considered replacements for teeth that were lost. Most tooth loss in people ages 35 and younger is caused less by rotting of the teeth and more by accidents, traumas, and fights. And a large majority of these people are turning to Louisville dental providers to repair and replace their missing teeth. They do this through seeking out the best dental implants louisville ky providers offer.
Replacing teeth is not the only thing these Louisville dental providers offer. They take care of the 51 percent of patients ages 41 to 60 who want cosmetic applications for their teeth, including supplying veneers, which are thin shells made from porcelain that are bonded to the tooth’s surface for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Nearly every dentist Louisville KY has in practice, even the typical emergency dentist louisville ky offers, will handle both general dentistry needs and cosmetic ones to appease patients.
What these Louisville dentistry professionals understand is the need for patients to experience great oral health where they look and feel good simultaneously. These Louisville dentists handle it all, from the positive experiences of adding veneers and implants to the more basic tenets of understanding how toothbrush bristles can keep hold of bacteria. From offering solutions to providing education, like advising patients to rinse their brushes in hot water after each time they use them and to replace brushes after an illness or every three months, these Louisville dental professionals are vital.