Google detects almost 10,000 malicious websites every day, which presents a significant amount of threats for internet browsers. Even legitimate sites are hijacked and present a certain level of threat to internet browsers as well. These threats are especially harmful for business owners, which is why a network security platform is so important. Corporations and small business owners use enterprise firewall systems to prevent these threats from infiltrating networks and all devices on a network. It’s important to know that the biggest threat to a business comes from within; meaning employees who have access to sensitive information can be considered a threat as well.
Implementing a network security platform is the best way to handle threats that come from within and outside the network. Spyware, which is a type of threat that tracks and collects information, can be detected and prevented with the proper intrusion prevention system. A network security platform should always have some type of intrusion detection system in order for it to provide the security needed. Spyware, malware, viruses, Trojans, and many other types of threats can be prevented with the right network security platform in place. The next gen network security systems are proving to be efficient at preventing threats.
For instance, a recent study shows that the cost of security breaches and lost and stolen records that companies experience has declined in the year 2011. This decline can be attributed to the next generation network security systems that are being implemented by all industries. More sophisticated systems are being developed every day to prevent the threats that are being created every day by malicious internet users. Finding the right network security platform depends on the type of network that a company is using. There are also solutions for companies that operate on a BYOD policy as well.