There is not secret that addiction is one of the most far-reaching, and perplexing, symptoms of post-modern culture. Whether you are talking about drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, or internet addiction, children today face more damaging temptations that any previous generation of humankind.
If you take a look at some of the statistics, the pervasiveness of drug, alcohol, and other addictions is staggering. By the time they reach their 18th birthdays, more than half of all American teenagers have experienced “severe” intoxication. Also, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that around eight percent of underage drinkers in the United States have driven while under the influence of alcohol. As such, the CDC reports that
When parents think that their teenagers are showing the signs of drug addiction, it is in the best interest of their child to place him or her in one of the best teen treatment programs they can afford. Even if parents are not completely sure that their children are addicted to alcohol or drugs, it is never worth it to roll the dice when it comes to dealing with any kind of addiction.
While possible overdose is the foremost fear of parents, any kind of drug abuse can adversely affect both the present and future of their kids. This is especially true given the fact that teenagers are still growing. Actually, the CDC reports that underage drinking not only inhibits the growth of teenagers, but can also adversely affect their sexual development.
In the event that teenagers show the signs of drug addiction, it is in the best interest of both child and parent to send their kid to a leading teen treatment center. After all, isn’t it better off knowing that your child is in the caring hands of capable drug treatment programs than off in an alley somewhere shooting up? The bottom line is that parents should take action if they ever believe that their kids are showing signs of drug addiction. To see more, read this: www.newportacademy.com