Maximize Production Goals While Keeping Workers Safe


Did you know that vibration mounts, bolts, cotter pins, and toggle clamps all go into the production of today’s automobiles, aircraft, spacecrafts, and construction and farming equipment? Vehicle production leaves very little room for error. Keeping production precise and guaranteeing a certain amount of stability and support ensures quality manufacturing, and also helps curb risks of worker injury. What individual tools and equipment make production possible?

Vibration Control Systems and Toggle Clamps

Vibration control systems, including vibration mounts and pads, are typically made from cork, elastomers, or rubber. Vibration pads often elevate or raise equipment using a series of springs and spring dampers, and are designed to absorb potentially hazardous vibrations. The same systems can be used for smooth transitions of movement and mechanical energy. Similarly, toggle clamps secure parts firmly in place, allowing for exact and precision production. Manufacturers typically offer a variety of clamps, including manual toggle clamps, precision clamping, squeeze action clamps, and pneumatic clamps.

Carriage Bolts and Cotter Pins

Some of the first bolts were manufactured as early as 1568, and the first carriage bolts, still widely used today, surfaced way back in 1869. Carriage bolts can be made from zinc, steel, and stainless steel, and typically require a hole-punch for precise and secure placement. Carriage bolts can be extremely durable, and common applications include holding together structures, like decks, or automotive frames and parts.

Similarly, cotter pins come in a number of different materials, including brass, aluminum, stainless steel, and bronze. Cotter pins consist of thin rods that fit into gaps; the ends of cotter pins are then turned up to keep rods firmly in place. Cotter pins may be used to help secure boat rigging, and can also be used as secure fasteners for today’s vehicle production.

Today’s vehicles require precision and safe, secure fasteners. Vibration control systems and clamps keep parts exactly where they should be, reducing the likelihood of manufacturing faulty equipment and, more importantly, keeping workers safe. Likewise, bolts and cotter pins securely hold parts together, allowing for hazard-free and effective production.

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